'Allo people, the name's Tanor Z. Faux, I'm an anthropomorphic Oltanian 3-Tailed Afghan Fox, of Planet Oltanis, which is in the Solana Galaxy. Which is 3 Million Light-Years from Earth, but no worries, it takes me two weeks at the medium term. Ehem, I'm pretty much a heroic fox with a pure good heart, I am the leader of a powerful team of heroes and villains from around the universe, or small portion of it anyway. :P 10 Members:
In real life, I'm trying to be an author in the future. I'm the creator of a series in the works known as Oltanis Z and Oltanis Sigma currently.
I'm generally a caring person, very friendly, about as good hearted as Tanor. ^^ He and I are very close. He's my main fursona as I'm a proud member of the Furry Fandom, I love 2D/3D platforming/adventure games, especially those in space like Ratchet & Clank, my favorite series all-time. I'm a fan of Retro-gaming. I love space, deeply. Everything from Planets, comets, black holes to stars, nebulae, dark matter and galaxies.
I like to read books here and there, Manga or English Novels. I watch movies, anime and good cartoons. I'm generally approachable and never spiteful. So, like my Tanor, I'd never harm unless I'm harmed or close friends are harmed. :) He's one of my guardians.
I'm a historic member of Newgrounds by the way, I used to come here since many years ago. When it still looked like this: http://web.archive.org/web/20041229085557/http:/
/newgrounds.com/ and I wish it still did. It'd serve my nostalgic heart better. Hehehe. But, I digress. I bored you enough already.
Nice to meet you and whatnot!