I'll give a good review on this one because this just is too awesome to be short.
This game is pretty fun. A good test of reaction time, focus and control. You better focus well if you want to catch on to it. I often got caught on to the pattern after dying enough times. It's a good thing there's unlimited tries. What I didn't really like, is that the color change is too slow between clicks. There's a lag between them so even if you clicked spot on, you won't change till a half-second before you die. The timing window on some of the higher levels are small and short, so a lag like this is going to impede the player. Luckily it's not that bad on a fast computer.
Music: Itself is pretty awesome, good job guys on that. It is enjoyable and not irritating. Keeps your head in the game and almost seems like the rhythm of the bullets go along with the songs on a few levels. 7/7
Graphics: Mesmerizingly nice. You can stare at those bullets and self-hypnotize yourself. 5/7
Difficulty: Just Right. It gets tough early, but it does give you breaks in between of easy and hard levels. So as it progressively gets harder, there are easy levels in the mix to give the player a coffee break so to say. That way they can rest for the next shift in difficulty. Good! 6/7
Controls: Like I said before, switching can lag on you for a quarter-second and that quarter-second could be crucial of passing that level. But, it's still not as bad as other games I've played similar to this. Also the ball can lag behind as it is slower than your mouse cursor, this is necessary at the same time a nail to the head, can cause a tantrum in some players. 3/7
Overall: 6/7 = 85%